With over 5 hours of video lessons already available, our grammar resources are sure to get your students ready for the 2016 SATs testing framework. They're an ideal tool to help your year 6 children prepare for the tests in May, but also allow you to ensure terms are being accurately taught across the school by all teachers.
Lesson ID 211:
I understand verb tenses.
Lesson ID 271:
I understand what a noun phrase is and why they're useful.
Lesson ID 270:
I can avoid common errors with subordinating conjunctions and prepositions.
Lesson ID 211:
I understand verb tenses.
Lesson ID 255:
I can identify verb tense agreement.
Lesson ID 260:
I can use singular and plural verb forms in subject verb agreement.
Lesson ID 279:
I can use capital letters at the start of sentences.
Lesson ID 280:
I can use capital letters with proper nouns and the personal pronoun I.
Lesson ID 282:
I can use full stops to end sentences.
Lesson ID 286:
I can correctly use question marks when punctuating speech.
Lesson ID 289:
I can correctly use exclamation marks when punctuating direct speech.
Lesson ID 295:
I can identify different meanings caused by comma placement.
Lesson ID 299:
I can use apostrophes for possession with words that end in -s.
Lesson ID 300:
I understand how apostrophes are used to show plural possession.
Lesson ID 301:
I can identify why an apostrophe has been used.
Lesson ID 302:
I can use apostrophes to show omission (or contraction).
Lesson ID 303:
I can identify other uses for apostrophes and can avoid common errors.
Lesson ID 305:
I understand how parentheses are used to add extra detail.
Lesson ID 306:
I can identify why parentheses have been punctuated in a particular way.
Lesson ID 290:
I can use capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks in longer passages.
Lesson ID 304:
I can use capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks and apostrophes in longer passages.