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Improving mental maths skills with Studyzone

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Is there a link between questions answered on Studyzone and mental maths scores? I love statistics. I'm always poring over gap analysis spreadsheets, average marks and percentage increases. Recently I was struck by the massive improvement that a boy in year 6 had made in his mental maths scores; a key area in the forthcoming Key Stage 2 SATs tests. I decided to dig a little deeper to see what I could find. It was immediately apparent that he had really got stuck in to Studyzone games. He'd gone from answering a handful of questions each week, to hundreds. Could this have played a part? Well, yes, massively. Knowing his teacher, I know quality first teaching has had a huge impact, but this has certainly been consolidated by Studyzone activities. I decided to plot a graph - this is what I like to do if I think there's a link. Here's what I plotted: Mental Maths sc...

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