
Welcome to the blog of This blog will include posts on the use of technology in the classroom, teaching in general and tutorials on how to make the most of

The time has come for premium content

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2014 was a great year for The number of active users on the site increased significantly with registered users answering over 2.5 million questions in our games. We also expanded our curriculum resources to include videos and worksheets to support the delivery of computer coding, in line with the new Curriculum for computing.

It's now time to look ahead to 2015 and beyond.

Having made the move from full time to part time teaching to free me up to develop the site, the time has now come to monetise through subscriptions for some resources. I have thought long and hard about how to do this, recognising that many of you have been early adopters of the site and have enjoyed using the resources free of charge in your classroom, so here’s the plan:

Only when I feel a group of matched resources forms a complete 'teaching package' will they be incorporated within a subscription; up until that point, they will remain free.

The other benefit of using this model is that users will only pay for the specific resources they need, with each package being excellent value for money, matched to the size of their school. Users will not need to subscribe to access the website, download free content, play free games or preview premium content.

Our first subscription package

Our computer coding resources offer a complete solution to support the teaching of coding at primary schools. This will therefore be our first subscription package, entitled 'The Coding Curriculum'. Made up of over 35 video lessons covering everything from the basic concepts of algorithms through to the advanced use of loops, IF statements and variables, the package offers everything you need to teach coding at school. Video lessons can either be used for teacher CPD, or to teach the class directly, and the inclusion of programming challenges and debugging lessons helps students develop broader skills too, including collaboration, problem solving and resilience.

Here’s what it costs:

  Monthly Annually
Small school (up to 200 students) £19.99 £199
Medium school (up to 400 students) £24.99 £249
Large school (over 400 students) £29.99 £299

If you haven't yet explored our coding curriculum resources, check them out now.

What this means for you

All existing users have been moved onto a free trial of The Coding Curriculum. If you're already making use of the resources within your lessons, this will give you time to take out a subscription whilst maintaining continued access. If you haven't yet explored these resources, this will give you time to take a look.

New users will be able to register for a free 14 day trial of The Coding Curriculum. This will allow you time to fully explore all the resources and even make them available for your students to access at home.

What do you think?

I always enjoy getting feedback from users on how they are making use of the site within their classroom. Please do continue to get in touch with any comments you have on the website, its resources and in particular these new subscription packages.

Thanks for reading,



Banner image adapted and used under creative commons. Source: ejpphoto


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